عبدالرحمن بن عيد
11-25-2004, 11:07 PM
بحسب موقع http://prisonplanet.com الاخباري
وفي صفحة
تم نشر موضوع عن مقتل الجنرال Mark Kimmitt مارك كيميت
وفيما يلي نص الخبر :-
In an obvious propaganda ploy, Militants are claiming they have killed the General of the US Forces, Mark Kimmitt. They claim their "proof" is that he hasn't been seen on TV for a while now. They say his death is being held from the US Forces so that their morales aren't affected during this Battle for Fallujah.
"America is still unaware of the killing of their General, as the news has not been released yet."
Bsm Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
Mark Kimmitt 's killing has taken place ...And America is the invisibility of its killing news until it does not affect its collapsed soldiers morales originally
Allah is the greatest and the honour to the Islam .
Hell and what a bad the fate therefore the mean and to each person it was killed or helped with the killing of a Muslim and if by the part of 0 word.
وفي الخطاب يوجه المجاهدين في العراق الوعيد والتهديد للقوات الغازية
ويقول المحللون ان الادارة الامريكية سوف تخفي الخبر او تنفيه للحفاظ على
نفسيه الشعب الامريكي اولاً والجنود الامريكيين اخرا.
تعليق :- نقول كما قال المجاهدين في العراق
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، الله اكبر والعزة للاسلام
وفي صفحة
تم نشر موضوع عن مقتل الجنرال Mark Kimmitt مارك كيميت
وفيما يلي نص الخبر :-
In an obvious propaganda ploy, Militants are claiming they have killed the General of the US Forces, Mark Kimmitt. They claim their "proof" is that he hasn't been seen on TV for a while now. They say his death is being held from the US Forces so that their morales aren't affected during this Battle for Fallujah.
"America is still unaware of the killing of their General, as the news has not been released yet."
Bsm Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
Mark Kimmitt 's killing has taken place ...And America is the invisibility of its killing news until it does not affect its collapsed soldiers morales originally
Allah is the greatest and the honour to the Islam .
Hell and what a bad the fate therefore the mean and to each person it was killed or helped with the killing of a Muslim and if by the part of 0 word.
وفي الخطاب يوجه المجاهدين في العراق الوعيد والتهديد للقوات الغازية
ويقول المحللون ان الادارة الامريكية سوف تخفي الخبر او تنفيه للحفاظ على
نفسيه الشعب الامريكي اولاً والجنود الامريكيين اخرا.
تعليق :- نقول كما قال المجاهدين في العراق
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، الله اكبر والعزة للاسلام