السلام عليكم
والله ما اعرف ها السوالف
بس حبيت اسلم
وين ها الغيبه
My wife and I have been debating lately whether we start teaching our little boy English
or wait till he grows up and masters his native language then he may start.
This decision is not really as simple as some of us think because I know from experience
learning a foreign language in such young age will have dramatic effects on his Islamic
identity, religion, values, traditions...etc. Sadly, I have to mention that English became a
necessity in our country whether in higher education or jobs which I don not personally
agree on. So one day he will need it.
Thus I am worried that one day when he grows up he will have some blame on us as
parents especially my wife and I speak English. Also I have been on assignments in USA
and other courtiers where his chance to learn English there is open. So I have no excuse
from this stand point.
In spite of the facts mentioned above, my personal opinion is that his religion is much
more important than those.
What do you guys think? Please give this issue a deep thought because learning a language
will not be limited to the language itself……. lots of things will follow accordingly
whether we like it or not. I have seen real examples through the years
Waiting for you reply……...
<div align="center"><img src='http://www.almushahed.net/up/files/eissa-1081613731.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /></div>
السلام عليكم
والله ما اعرف ها السوالف
بس حبيت اسلم
وين ها الغيبه
ابو محمد
وين هالغيبة
dear (أبو فهد)
yes , in my opinion it is very wise
ask me why ?
becuase .. in this age logically ..u r little boy has capacity to learn a foreign language
but don"t send him to a foriegn school , learn him by your self
thank you
سلام عليكم,
حياكم الله واشكركم علي السؤال الذي يدل على طيب معدنكم. سبب انقطاعي لفترة ليست بالقصيره هو وجود ظروف خاصة لم يكن لنا بها من خيار الا الرضا والحمدلله على كل حال. باذن الله نتواصل من دون انقطاع
ابو فهد العصباني
<div align="center"><img src='http://www.almushahed.net/up/files/eissa-1081613731.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /></div>
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اما بعد
اخي الكريم فان تعليم الطفل وهو في الصغر شي رهيب ومفيد جدا
انا اعرف عرب هنا اولادهم يدرسون في مدار امريكية ويوم الجمعة يذهبون الي المسجد ويتعلمون القران والحديث الشريف
وانهم يتكلمون اللغة العربية في طلاقة
فاني انصح في تدريس ابنك اللغة الانجليزية من الصغر لانها هي لغة العصر
مع التركيز على اللغة العربية والقران الكريم
ودمت في خير وعافية
.الحمدلله .. الحمد لك يارب على النعم التي لا تحصى ولا تعد.
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)